
Showing posts from April, 2017

Cancer, Ancient Atomic Mathematics and the Science-Art of Quantum Biology

As is commonly known, the pursuit of happiness ideal was fused into the basic design of the Constitution of the United States of America. Surprisingly, no one seems to know why and how that came about. Scholars knew it had something to do with a message from ancient Egypt's 'Eye of Horus', depicted at the top of a pyramid as part of the Great Seal of America. They also knew that this all-seeing eye message had been linked to the work of the Greek mathematician, Pythagoras, who had studied political ethics in ancient Egypt. Some thought that the message might relate to a happiness of acquiring wealth through mechanical industrialisation. However, the discovery of quantum biology during the 21st Century demonstrated that a far greater potential wealth exists within new technologies able to harness the previously unknown natural properties of carbon, belonging to human life forms. The old acquisition of wealth, derived from a mechanical mindset, is now well recognised as

Two Science-Art Philosophies - Utopia or Oblivion?

A warning to the reader: This article argues that modern science has been turned upside down, revealing the remedy to Steven Hawking's observation that the greatest mistake humanity has ever made was to invent artificial intelligence. The correction to that mistake necessitates an up-to-date familiarity with Buckminster Fuller and C P Snow's third culture, in which human survival is about gaining a new perspective on the unification of Science with Art. Rather than this new perspective constituting an attack upon science, it draws attention to the crucial importance of Fuller and Snow's synergistic Science-Art concepts. The effort to place those concepts within the perspective associated with very recent, crucial scientific discoveries, will allow for a better understanding of the nature of reality, in particular, relevant to carcinogenic growth and development. The Feb-Mar 2016 issue of  Philosophy Now  contained an article by Magdalena Scholle about how the philoso

Science As a Media Event

One need not make any extensive surveys of different media to provide evidence for this failure. It is enough to see how sports has managed to gain more coverage in various media over the last few decades vis-a-vis science. One may argue that this is so because there are always some sports events occurring all over the world which naturally draw the attention of media. But contention here is that scientific activity, scientific community and laboratories all over the world can also be turned into what are called 'media events' if enough pains are taken by science communicators to achieve this status for science. First and foremost it will require the maximum cooperation of scientists. For instance, anniversaries of scientists, institutes, organisations and societies, including the World Health Day, etc., can be celebrated; discussions and debates with the concerned scientists organised; and doors of concerned laboratories and organisations thrown open to masses and media.

Secret Behind Technology Blogging: A Best Niche In Blogging

It is no secret that there is a secret behind technology blogging; it is one of the best niches in blogging. Blogging about technology is one of the best ways to get ahead in modern society. In fact, technology blogging is the best niche in blogging these days for anyone who wants to start up a successful business. If you plan to create a new business or any successful business ventures, one of the best ways to do so is to consider the technology niche in blogging. The Secrets of Niche Blogging: Technology These days there are so many technologies to choose from, it's hard not to blog about them. Some popular examples of technology blogs include: iPhone how to guides and tutorials Information and technology news Technology updates and rumors The latest technological breakthroughs Android Windows and Mac Technology Editorials and Opinion Pieces Technology blogs are the perfect accompaniment to a day job although many people find running a niche technology blo

What Is the Relevance of Technology?

"Technology in the long-run is irrelevant". That is what a customer of mine told me when I made a presentation to him about a new product. I had been talking about the product's features and benefits and listed "state-of-the-art technology" or something to that effect, as one of them. That is when he made his statement. I realized later that he was correct, at least within the context of how I used "Technology" in my presentation. But I began thinking about whether he could be right in other contexts as well. What is Technology? Merriam-Webster defines it as: 1 a: the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area: engineering 2 <medical technology> b: a capability given by the practical application of knowledge <a car's fuel-saving technology> 2 : a manner of accomplishing a task especially using technical processes, methods, or knowledge 3 : the specialized aspects of a particular field of endea

The Extra Advantage of Home School Education For Your Children

Home school education will give the extra advantage both for the parents and also the children. This education can provide the student an extra benefit by involving them into personal attention from the tutor that allows qualified and accelerated learning experience. Enjoyable atmosphere of home schooling can provide the helpful effect to the educational experience. Possible Positives of a Home School Education Providing your kids one-on-one teaching is very satisfying and rewarding way to provide them a quality of this education. For several parents, this action is nearly impossible because of the economic reasons because this will be very expensive as you have to call a qualified tutor. But, it doesn't mean that you are not having the chance of home schooling. Home schooled youngsters are known to be much advance along in grade level curriculum than their regular schooled counterparts. It means that during the home schooling, your youngsters can finish the high school ear